Saturday 15 November 2014

Top 10 Brightest Stars

Following are the top 10 brightest stars followed by the name of the constellation they are viewed in and the distance in Light years.

0) Sun
1) Sirius - Canis Major (Greater Dog) - 8.6 ly
2) Canopus - Carina - 310 ly
3) Alpha Centauri AB - Centaurus - 4.4 ly
4)  Arcturus - Bootes (Herdsman) - 37 ly
5) Vega - Lyra - 25 ly
6) Rigel - Orion (Hunter) - 770 ly
7) Procyon - Canis Minor (Lesser Dog) - 11
8) Betelguese - Orion (Hunter) - 640
9) Achernar - Eridanus (River) - 140
10) Beta Centauri (Hadar/Agena) - Centaurus - 530

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